How to register your Home Bakery

A great restaurant website

Certainly! Here’s the revised step-by-step guide with the registration process including account review:

  1. Register:
    • Visit our website and navigate to the registration page.
    • Fill out the registration form with your personal details and bakery information.
    • Submit the form.
    • You will receive a confirmation email acknowledging your registration.
  2. Account Review:
    • After submitting your registration, our team will review your account details.
    • This review process ensures the authenticity and quality of all registered home bakeries.
    • You will receive an email notification once your account has been approved.
  3. Login:
    • Upon approval, return to our website.
    • Click on the “Login” button located at the top right corner of the homepage.
    • Enter your registered email address and password.
    • Click “Login” to access your account.
  4. Add Photos:
    • Once logged in, you’ll be directed to your dashboard.
    • Navigate to the “Photos” section or a similar tab labeled for uploading images.
    • Click on the “Upload” button.
    • Select the photos of your bakery, products, and menu items from your device.
    • Add a brief description or captions if desired.
    • Click “Upload” to add the photos to your profile.
  5. Add Menu:
    • From your dashboard, locate the “Menu” or “Products” section.
    • Click on the “Add Item” or “Add Menu” button.
    • Enter the name of the item, description, price, and any additional details.
    • You may also upload a photo of the item if desired.
    • Click “Save” or “Submit” to add the menu item to your profile.
    • Repeat the process for each item on your menu.
  6. Review and Update:
    • Periodically log in to your account to review and update your photos and menu items.
    • Add new products, update prices, or upload fresh images to keep your profile engaging and up-to-date.
  7. Save Changes:
    • Always remember to save any changes made to your profile by clicking the “Save” or “Submit” button after editing.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to register your home bakery with our website, undergo account review, log in to your approved account, and easily add photos and menu items to showcase your offerings to potential customers. If you have any questions during the process, feel free to contact our support team for assistance. We’re here to help you succeed!